Tasting rooms and shops of Würzburg's famous Wine Estates All of Würzburg's famous wine estates have their own tasting rooms and wine shops where individual travelers can experience the large variety of locally grown wines.
Wine Tastings at the Bürgerspital Weinhaus Discovering the delicate flavors of wines from different grape varieties is a great pleasure you should not miss while in Würzburg. The Weinhaus at the Bürgerspital Wine Estate offers wine-flights for individual travelers or smaller groups.
Staatlicher Hofkeller Rosenbachpalais Residenzplatz 3 D-97070 Würzburg Phone (+49)931/3050931 E-Mail: hofkeller@hofkeller.de
Weingut Juliusspital Würzburg Klinikstraße 1 D-97070 Würzburg Phone: (+49)931/3931401 Fax: (+49)931/3931414 E-Mail: weinprobe@juliusspital.de