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A Man In His Life.

Short Performance art pieces inspired by the poetry of Yehuda Amichai and Mahmoud Darwish, created by the students of the Multicultural Ensemble “Anachnu” in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as part of the 100 anniversary for Yehuda Amichai.

In cooperation with a group of dancers and actresses from Würzburg

The Multicultural Theater Ensemble “ANACHNU” (meaning “us” in both Arabic and Hebrew) was formed based on the understanding that theater can be a powerful and meaningful platform, generating profound changes in educational, therapeutic, ommunal, and social spaces. This pioneering group is a professional theater group that students must pass an audition, and are carefully chosen, in order to participate in. The artistic line of work integrates various forms of theater and performance alongside creating a “safe space” for dialogue and collaboration among students, who may all study at the Hebrew University but come from diverse backgrounds. Their experience represents a microcosm of life and society in Jerusalem and Israel as a whole. The ensemble‘s work is rooted in professional dedication, aiming to create unique theater events in Jerusalem and beyond, guided by shared leadership of both Jewish and Arab facilitators:

Emanuella Amichai – Artistic director of the ensemble and Ahmad Muqbel – a group facilitator.
Artistic director: Emanuella Amichai
Artistic consolation: Dedi Baron and Ruth Hoff
Musical advisor: Shani Ben or
Group Facilitator and Production: Ahmad Mukbel
Participants: Orit Hanna Amgar, Ada Bar Cohen, Ofir Shlomo Cohen, Ella Hershkovitz, Ruth Hoff, Shani Rom, Lin Sana, Elah Schwinger, Rayan Uthman
Yifat Cohen-Hadad, Head of The Social involvement Unit of the Hebrew University
Shani Ben-Or, Head of the multicultural Department in the Unit of social involvement

With the german dancers Monika Bruckmüller, Martina Vornberger, Mona Schwanfelder, Ann-Sophie Schmidt, Barbara Schubert, Jasmin Förster and Lina Wilhelm. Speaker: Magdalena Krones. And other participiants: Angela Nasmini and Jonas Epperlein

Eintritt frei.

Mit elf Student*innen der interkulturellen Theatergruppe der Hebrew University in Jerusalem und zehn Student*innen und Tänzerinnen aus Würzburg inszeniert die Tochter Yehudas, Emanuella Amichai, in der Stadtbücherei eine art performance zu Texten Yehuda Amichais.

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